30 Essential Japanese Phrases Every Traveler Should Know for a Smooth Trip
Language Guide • Published on 2025-05-30

Traveling to Japan can be an incredible experience, but knowing a few key phrases can make your trip even smoother and more enjoyable. Here are 30 essential Japanese phrases that every traveler should know:
Basic Greetings & Politeness
- こんにちは (Konnichiwa) – Hello / Good afternoon
- おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu) – Good morning
- こんばんは (Konbanwa) – Good evening
- ありがとう (Arigatou) – Thank you
- ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu) – Thank you (polite)
- すみません (Sumimasen) – Excuse me / I'm sorry
- お願いします (Onegai shimasu) – Please (when requesting something)
- はい (Hai) / いいえ (Iie) – Yes / No
Getting Around & Directions
- [場所] はどこですか? ([Basho] wa doko desu ka?) – Where is [place]?
- 駅はどこですか? (Eki wa doko desu ka?) – Where is the train station?
- ~へ行きたいです (~ e ikitai desu) – I want to go to ~
- 右 (Migi) / 左 (Hidari) / まっすぐ (Massugu) – Right / Left / Straight
- タクシーを呼んでください (Takushii o yonde kudasai) – Please call a taxi
Dining & Ordering Food
- メニューを見せてください (Menyuu o misete kudasai) – Please show me the menu
- おすすめは何ですか? (Osusume wa nan desu ka?) – What do you recommend?
- これは何ですか? (Kore wa nan desu ka?) – What is this?
- ~をください (~ o kudasai) – Please give me ~
- お水をください (O-mizu o kudasai) – Please give me water
- お会計お願いします (Okaikei onegai shimasu) – Check, please
- これはベジタリアンですか? (Kore wa bejitarian desu ka?) – Is this vegetarian?
- 食物アレルギーがあります (Shokumotsu arerugii ga arimasu) – I have a food allergy
Shopping & Transactions
- これはいくらですか? (Kore wa ikura desu ka?) – How much is this?
- カードは使えますか? (Kaado wa tsukaemasu ka?) – Can I use a credit card?
- もう少し安くなりますか? (Mou sukoshi yasuku narimasu ka?) – Can you make it cheaper?
- 試着してもいいですか? (Shichaku shite mo ii desu ka?) – Can I try this on?
Emergencies & Useful Phrases
- 助けてください! (Tasukete kudasai!) – Please help!
- 警察を呼んでください (Keisatsu o yonde kudasai) – Please call the police
- 病院はどこですか? (Byouin wa doko desu ka?) – Where is the hospital?
- 英語を話せますか? (Eigo o hanasemasu ka?) – Can you speak English?
- 日本は初めてです (Nihon wa hajimete desu) – This is my first time in Japan
Tips for Using These Phrases
- Practice pronunciation: Japanese is a phonetic language, so practicing the sounds will help you be understood.
- Use polite forms: When in doubt, use the more polite versions of phrases, especially with strangers or in formal situations.
- Pair language with gestures: Pointing (discreetly) or using hand gestures can help convey your meaning.
- Don't be afraid to try: Most Japanese people appreciate the effort, even if your pronunciation isn't perfect.
- Learn to read basic katakana: This can help you recognize many English loan words used in Japanese.
Remember, even knowing just a few of these phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience in Japan. It shows respect for the local culture and can help you navigate various situations more easily. Don't be afraid to practice and use these phrases during your trip!
Do you have any favorite Japanese phrases that you've found useful while traveling? Share them in the comments below!